Zahir Jamil headshot
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ʚ Zahir Jamil ɞ

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3 knives pink bg pixel Poor heartless stamp Shut up You are an idiot Gay flag


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Zahir didn't have an easy life. His mother died when he was a baby, leaving him in the custody of his abusive father. His dad was very strict, especially when it came to Zahir's feminine gender expression, which he was also bullied for in school. One of Zahir's main bullies was Valentine Aurion. This didn't stop Zahir from expressing himself, but it did cause him to internalize negative behaviours, making him quite mean and sometimes even violent.

As a preteen, he met Aster Hazir, who quickly became a lifelong best friend of his. The two of them are nearly inseparable, despite their contrasting interests.


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Violence Rich people
Lace His dad
Feminine fashion Most physical contact
Revenge Cold weather
Horror movies Valentine